Your booking is unavalibe!
The day before we were going to Prague I got a call from a strange number, so ofcourse I didnt pick up. So they called again. And again. And left a voicemail telling me to call the bookingagency. And I got an email telling me to call them urgently.
As it turned out, the appartment we were suppose to stay in was unavalible and we had to find another place to stay for the duracion of our visit in Prague. Eek!
Of course I freaked out, wouldnt you?
So the day before we’re suppose to leave for Prague, we have to find a new place to stay cuz our already booked appartment was no longer avalible. The panicattack is obvious right?
The nice lady at the bookingagency helped us through our options, giving us an upgraded appartment with Royal Prague Apartmens for no extra charge. The situation was solved and done within ten minutes, so there was really nothing to get worked up over, but you know… I did some drama, continued packing and was on my merry way to Prague the next day.
#nouwautumnchallenge #travelblogger #traveling #photographer #travelphotography #prague

I’m glad it worked out! Have fun in Prague 😊
We did, the Beerspa in Prague was amazing =)