The greek food

Who doesnt like the greek food, right?
That’s only one of the many reasons I’ve gone back to Greece, I’ve actually been to quite a few of the islands but also on the mainland. I simply love Greek food, the lamb, the seasoning, tzatziki and all of the different small fingerfoods that are always served as appetizers.
But my absolut favorite is lamb kleftiko. It’s a rustic, traditional Greek recipe made with slow cooked lamb, first marinated in garlic, olive oil, feta cheese and lemon juice.
Have you ever tried it?

Åh lam Kleftiko är så gott. Jag älskar smaken av vitlöken på den❤
Jaaa asså, jag har försökt att tillaga det hemma, men det blir aldrig samma smak 😊
Nej , det blir inte samma sak men nästan😉