We bookd a trip…
… to Budapest!
Yeah we know, awsome right?
Cant wait to see the city, the architecture is suppose to be amazing. All of the monuments, statues, parks and squares. And yes, the bridges over Danube River. The opera house. But the one thing I’m most looking forward to try out is the thermal baths, its an iconic activity for visitors.
If any of you have been to Budapest, please let us know.
All tips and advices are welcome!
//A & A
Åh det blir igen en fantastiskt resa😃
Ja det tror jag absolut att det blir, det ska bli så himla skönt att komma iväg =)
Såg att det var 30 grader där nere nu, hoppas att det håller i sig
30 grader, det blir fantastisk 😃